Of all the famous Fajita recipes in Mexican cuisine, Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita is the most luscious dish as beef Ojyu . The Tex-Max cuisine is famous for its unique dishes, steaks and stews, but the Fajitas have a separate charm like Panda Express Mongolian beef. You can try out several fajita recipes, but Beef Fajita in skirt steaks is a mouth-watering dish as Dinty Moore Beef Stew. It pleasures your taste buds when you take the first bite. The delicious homemade marinade is made from a Mexican recipe in which the steak is soaked in all the heavenly flavours like Pickled Bologna. The steak absorbs all the flavors and is more delicious than ever. The flavor depends upon the period you give to absorb the flavors. Moreover, you can also get the flank steak if the skirt steak is unavailable. It also tastes amazing as beef Fajita like Amish vegetable and beef soup.
Serving the beef Fajitas over the corn or flour tortillas gives the crunchy bites that take the dish to another level due to the crunchy effect as beef sliced chunks. Other than tortillas, serving this outstanding beef chunks, rice, and cheese quesadilla will taste amazing. I am obsessed with adding my element to every recipe I make, and when I tried out the Beef Fajita with cheese and rice, it turned out mind-blowing like Triple Delight Chinese Food. You must try out making beef Fajitas at home through different recipes. It helps you to find out the best and your favorite one as Italian ground beef. Never be embarrassed to add your flavour to every recipe you make. This is a sign that you put your heart and soul into whatever you make, and it must taste delicious.
Ingredients for making the Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita Recipe
Buy all of these ingredients to make the Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita. Do not skip any of the ingredients, as all of these are very essential. Do not try to shorten the ingredients list as it is already very short with few important ingredients.
- One Tablespoon Salt
- Three Freshly Minced Garlic Cloves
- One Tablespoon Mayonnaise
- 5 Pound Skirt Steaks
- One Tablespoon Goya Adobo Seasoning
- 1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
- A Bunch Of Green Onions
- One Tablespoon Of Grounded Cumin
- Four Tablespoons Of Fresh Lime Juice
Method to Make the Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita Recipe
The method of making Beef Fajita include a few steps. Please review them before starting the recipe to know what you need in the next step.
Preparing the Marinade
First, you must prepare a seasoning mix for this recipe. For this purpose, take a medium-sized mixing bowl and pour vegetable oil into it. Add some salt with Adobo seasonings. Pour some lime juice, drizzle some mayo and sprinkle the cumin. Mix well using a spoon or spatula.
Cutting the Steak Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita Recipe
To turn the steak into suitable-sized chunks, cut the steak with a sharp knife. Make sections of a few inches. 5-6 inches cuts would be enough for this step.
Coating the Steak with Marinade
Bring the steak and dip it in the prepared seasonings mix. Make sure to cover every part of the steak into it. Let it soak in the marinade for at least 1-2 hours. You can also keep it in the refrigerator.
Cooking the Steak Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita Recipe
Put the cooking pan on low flame for the purpose of heating it. Heat it for a few minutes, then put the beef steak pieces into the pan. Stir fry them for 8-10 minutes. Make sure they change their colour to a golden brown as Bubba Gump Shrimp.
Slicing the steak into Strips
Make strips from the half-cooked beef steak and then return these strips to the cooking pan. Use a sharp knife for this purpose.
Addition of Leftover Ingredients
Then, you can pour a little olive or vegetable oil into this mixture. Add the sliced green onions to it. Mix well.
Serving the Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita Recipe
Bring the warm flour Tortillas and spread the beef fajita on it. You can also serve some cheese sauce, freshly sliced cucumber, and crispy Mexican rice.
What cut of beef should we use for making Fajita?
Skirt and flank steak are the most common cuts for making Beef Fajitas. You can do it at home with proper guidance, as these cuts are perfect for absorbing spices. It is always better to put in some effort and do it at home in perfect hygienic conditions.
How do you make the Beef steak more tender while making Fajitas?
Slicing the beef against the grain is helpful to make it more tender. Pouring the Lemon juice or vinegar is beneficial in this aspect. It will make the meat more delicate than ever.
What to serve with the beef Fajita?
Serving the Mexican rice with beef Fajita is the most adorable serving. But for other options, you can serve flour tortillas. To avoid sugar, replace the flour tortillas with corn tortillas. Other options include serving cream cheese sauce, sliced tomatoes, etc.
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Lupe Tortilla Beef Fajita Recipe
- 1 tbsp Salt
- 3 Freshly minced garlic cloves
- 1 tbsp Mayonnaise
- 1/2 Pound Skirt Steaks
- 1 tbsp Goya Adobo Seasoning
- 1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
- 1 Bunch Of Green Onions
- 1 tbsp Grounded Cumin
- 4 tbsp Fresh Lime Juice